Fuel Injector Testing Service
Fuel Injector Testing Services

Whether you have a set of injectors that aren't performing to your expectations or you're trying to isolate a problem, we can help! We have the best fuel injector testing systems in the industry, and for a nominal fee we'll put your injectors thru our full testing protocol::
- We'll Test Your Injector's Flow Rate Under a Variety of Conditions (idle, WOT at redline, etc.)
- Our Full Test Cycle Includes Testing Your Injectors While They're "Hot" - We'll Cycle Them Aggressively To Make Sure Performance Doesn't Drop Off As Temps Climb
- We'll Provde You With a Detailed Written Report And Notes
We take fuel injectors very seriously. If you're interested, please contact us.
Testing Fees
We charge $20 per injector for our standard testing process, and we provide one of our standard flow test reports for each injector we test.
See Some Of Our Test Equipment On YouTube!
We've posted a few videos over the years of our testing equipment on YouTube - here's a quick example of a simple flow rate test.
The Custom Built Fuel Injectors needs to be
We Build Custom Engineered Fuel Injectors Specific to your needs!
Custom, Built to Order, High Performance Fuel Injectors
TLF Performance Parts already stocks thousands of pre-built high performance fuel injectors, ready to ship. Select a vehicle below, to start shopping. However, if your need are even MORE custom than what we offer on our website, then look no further that our Custom Built Fuel Injector Service.
Testing Fees
We charge $20 per injector and $30 per GDI for our standard testing process, and we provide one of our standard flow test reports for each injector we test.
See Some Of Our Test Equipment On YouTube!
We've posted a few videos over the years of our testing equipment on YouTube - here's a quick example of a simple flow rate test.
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